AI for Medical Imaging

Revolutionizing Healthcare through Medical Imaging

At VinBrain, we are committed to alleviating the burdens faced by healthcare systems. Our AI-powered solutions are designed to address critical challenges such as hospital overcrowding, the shortage of radiologists, and the rising prevalence of chronic and infectious diseases. By optimizing doctors' workflows and enhancing diagnostic accuracy, we aim to improve patient care and outcomes while driving healthcare innovation.
DrAid™'s 3 core product lines will make use of screening different medical images including X-rays, CT scans, MRIs automatically delineate and detect up to 95 types of abnormalities in under 30 seconds per case.

- Comprehensive Screening: A groundbreaking AI assistant solution for doctors and radiologists, providing comprehensive chest-based screening for the detection of 54 abnormalities. It covers the pleura, lung fields, and cardiac and mediastinal areas.

- Oncology Diagnosis & Treatment: An AI-powered platform designed to assist doctors and oncologists in automatically detecting and classifying abnormal lesions through medical imaging, helping them identify precisely cancer at its earliest stage.

- Social Impacts Diseases Screening: A state-of-the-art AI-powered platform to address global health challenges like Tuberculosis and Thalassemia. We are dedicated to creating impactful AI products that can be scaled across communities. We aim to bring hope and improved outcomes to patients worldwide at more reasonable cost.

Our products comply with
International Standards



Leading the change in
Diagnostic Radiology

        DrAid™ CXR Screening        

 DrAid™ Abdomen CT Screening 

Diagnosis & Treatment

Hope at Every Step of the way

  DrAid™ CT Liver Cancer D&T   

 DrAid™ MRI Rectal Cancer D&T

Why us?

Proven Results

Save 83% of diagnosis time, from 30 minutes to 5 minutes per case, with over 90% accuracy


Compatible with various modalities such as Xray, CT scan, MRI and EUS 

Enhance Remote Healthcare Access through Teleradiology 

Supports better diagnosis in remote areas by enabling real-time collaboration between radiologists and medical professionals, regardless of location. This ensures that patients in underserved or rural areas receive timely and accurate diagnoses.

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Product of Interest